welcome to connect: project 2011

This blog is a project I'm undertaking for 2011... Why don't you join me?

The goal is to spend a little time each day reading from a devotional book, Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson, and connecting with people via blog post and comments.

Don't have the book yet? You can find it on Amazon, or you can read the daily post at:

Why would we do this? For me, it's to reinforce a habit I need, to own my own faith, to connect with God and what He's saying to me, and to connect with people who are hungry to know God more...

Your reasons might be some of the same as mine.

The more folks read and comment, the richer the experience will be. Join the discussion!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January 26, 2011


Anyone in the middle of making a big decision?  How great – Neil gives us a list!  Who doesn’t love a good list? 

For the benefit of any non-football readers (I love you anyway!), a fourth-down punting situation would be pretty much a last-ditch effort.  The first-down huddle is the planning part, sort of, for the play that comes next.  Probably you got that from the context, but we don’t want anyone to feel left out! 

I love Neil’s comment that we aren’t supposed to make our plans and then ask God to bless them; rather, we’re supposed to pray and wait on Him to hear what He has in mind, and then plan accordingly.  Easy to say (ok, write), but hard to do.  

I had to think for a bit about #5 – Am I acting responsibly?  - and what it had to do with faithfulness.  I think it has to do with integrity…  I couldn’t come up with a life choice that fit the bill, but I’m always grateful for a reminder that God pays attention to how faithful I am (or should have been) in the little things. 

And I was challenged anew by #2 – Is it consistent with the Word of God?  It’s up to me to read and digest His Word, a little at a time.  He has done His part in communicating with me, and it’s up to me to read it, learn it, and know it.  I’m so grateful for the Holy Spirit who brings it alive in my heart and life as I read! 

(Now, whose feathers did I ruffle by talking about the points out of order?  Yeah, I thought so!)

I’ll keep this list handy.  It’s good to know I have it for when I’ll need it next…

As always, I so enjoy those of you who post comments.  Thanks for making me think!  For today, tell us about a decision you’ve made, are making, or just about a point that hit you as you read!  Thanks so much.


  1. "We aren't supposed to ask God to bless our plans; we're supposed to ask God for His plans."

    This was powerful for me today. How often I take my plans to Him for endorsement rather than seeking Him for His plan. I am trying to incooperate the following prayer when facing something, "Lord, please give me your mind on this matter."

    Lord, I agree with Neil, help me to avoid at all costs any compromoise with you will for my life. Amen.

  2. I do pray for God's will be done for so many of my decisions however, it's difficult to have that as my every prayer. Sometimes it feels so vague like I have no direction but that probably is do to my trouble with being "consistent with the Word of God".

    I mean, I don't have a problem with God's word. I just have a problem with setting the time aside to get IN God's word! So that is probably the the one that I need to work on the most as I pray.

    Thanks Michele for new way for me to dig into the Bible!

  3. Um, yes feathers ruffled, when you take them out of order it drives me nuts!!!

    But thanks for translating football to English for me, I don’t speak football.

    I often forget to pray before I make plans. I get very busy sometimes and I try to hurry through without pausing to pray if this is what I should be doing in the first place. If I listened and prayed more I could probably drop some stuff and I would not be so busy after all. More important I would be busy with what God wanted me to do and reaping His blessings.

  4. I wonder if a football team would do better if they prayed in the huddle on first down instead of the fourth down prayers going up all over the stadium. (haha)

    Having played football in high school (just a few years back) I can relate to the analogy...on first down we are all in and excited about the new set of downs and then that play fails and the next and the NEXT then we start "praying" on fourth down that our punt is not blocked or the trick play might actually work this time.

    Uhggg. Oh Lord please help me this year to seek your will on first down and not let my excitement about a new plan or idea take the place of your joy and peace in my heart and mind as I pursue You and your will for every decision.

  5. "Am I acting responsibly? God doesn't bail us out of our irresponsibility. But when we are faithful in little things, He will put us in charge of greater things. Don't get ahead of God's timing or you will be over your head in responsibilities."

    I have an annoying tendency--I am a people pleaser! I have said yes to too many things too quickly, especially earlier on in my marriage, and have pushed my family and, too often, God aside to please others. I am learning to manage myself better--be faithful in the commitments I have made, saying NO is OK, don't sacrifice God and family to please others!!


About Me

I've been a teacher, a church administrator, and currently I'm an at-home mommy, which is my most challenging assignment yet. My home church is WellSpring - it's where my heart is, where my family is. I'm so grateful to God for His work in me and the people He's allowed me to share life with.