welcome to connect: project 2011

This blog is a project I'm undertaking for 2011... Why don't you join me?

The goal is to spend a little time each day reading from a devotional book, Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson, and connecting with people via blog post and comments.

Don't have the book yet? You can find it on Amazon, or you can read the daily post at:

Why would we do this? For me, it's to reinforce a habit I need, to own my own faith, to connect with God and what He's saying to me, and to connect with people who are hungry to know God more...

Your reasons might be some of the same as mine.

The more folks read and comment, the richer the experience will be. Join the discussion!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011


I love the way the Bible tells stories.  The good, the bad, and the ugly – it’s all there.  Today’s reading got me thinking about a story from Acts… 

On one of Paul’s trips, he was preaching in Ephesus.  For some reason, God did some amazing miracles there – strange stuff.  It got the attention of lots of people, not all of whom were interested in the spiritual benefits of the power they were seeing. 

A bunch of brothers started going from town to town casting out demons, too – and this is how they did it:  I command you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!  (Acts 19:13) 

It worked for a while, until they ran across a demon who didn’t cooperate.  He caused the man he was possessing to say, Okay, I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who in the world are you?  This one demon-possessed guy proceeded to give the brothers the beating of a lifetime, and sent them, naked and wounded, on their way.

Great story.  Would that happen today?  It certainly could, but probably the most danger we would put ourselves in would be to begin to act independently of God, presumably on His behalf. 

It’s very cool that God entrusts us with spiritual authority; the point of it is, then, to cause us to deepen our dependence on Him.  

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About Me

I've been a teacher, a church administrator, and currently I'm an at-home mommy, which is my most challenging assignment yet. My home church is WellSpring - it's where my heart is, where my family is. I'm so grateful to God for His work in me and the people He's allowed me to share life with.