welcome to connect: project 2011

This blog is a project I'm undertaking for 2011... Why don't you join me?

The goal is to spend a little time each day reading from a devotional book, Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson, and connecting with people via blog post and comments.

Don't have the book yet? You can find it on Amazon, or you can read the daily post at:

Why would we do this? For me, it's to reinforce a habit I need, to own my own faith, to connect with God and what He's saying to me, and to connect with people who are hungry to know God more...

Your reasons might be some of the same as mine.

The more folks read and comment, the richer the experience will be. Join the discussion!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 14, 2011

Ya might want to come down off that truck…

What a great metaphor for how bullying works.  As a kid, I never understood it – did you?  The girls who tormented me seemed like superhero-movie villains:  all-knowing, all-powerful, and totally influential.  The reality is that they were probably just regular girls who got mean, but no other super powers.  Wish I had known that…

Maybe it was then that I developed my life-long strategy for dealing with bullies:  I fold.  I duck and cover, avoid at all costs, even go to great lengths to minimize any contact.  In general, I’m a reasonably confident person, and I’ve been bewildered at the fact that I seem to snap when I’m around someone with a bullying personality.  Wow!

When it comes to spiritual bullies, I mentioned in an earlier post that I had to overcome fear and panic when I sense that spiritual darkness in someone.  Usually the Holy Spirit is pointing out to me something that’s there.  I was afraid of getting slimed, Ghostbusters-style, by whatever the spiritual yucky thing was… 

I’m so grateful for what Neil points out:  You don’t have to outshout him or outmuscle him to be free of his influence.  You just have to outtruth him. 

The backbone I’m needing to get in touch with isn’t even my own; it’s my Heavenly Father’s, and He’s pretty big.  Plus, it’s kind of boring up on top of the truck…

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About Me

I've been a teacher, a church administrator, and currently I'm an at-home mommy, which is my most challenging assignment yet. My home church is WellSpring - it's where my heart is, where my family is. I'm so grateful to God for His work in me and the people He's allowed me to share life with.