I’m reminded of a quote from the movie Top Gun: Mav, your ego’s writing checks your body can’t cash…
Positive thinking is all fine and good in a world where we’re on our own, but in the end, there are limits to what we can push ourselves to do.
God, on the other hand, has no limits. Awesome!
Neil writes: Faith actually transcends the limitations of the mind and incorporates the real but unseen world…there is virtually no limit to the spiritual heights that positive believing can take you.
BTW, the phrase “positive believing” still cracks me up, even though I know it was coined as a counter to the term “positive thinking.”
The point is this… When we take what we know from God’s word, listen and understand what His will is in a situation, and then trust Him enough to believe something as if it has already happened, amazing things will happen. Those mountains will move, and not on account of us, but because of the great God we serve.
Faith is a risk, but not a bad one; God is good, and He is faithful. He will do amazing things when we take the leap.
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