When she was in college, she spent a semester abroad studying. For some reason, she chose South Africa. She was not walking closely with the Lord at the time, but felt drawn there, and greatly enjoyed her months there.
A couple of years later, she began pursuing the Lord in earnest, and applied to a missions/church planting program in South Africa, with the thought in mind that she might stay in the area to run a hostel as a way to reach people with the gospel, as well as housing missionaries, etc. She loved the missions program, and eventually, the plans for the hostel fell to the wayside as new vision took hold.
She was assigned for her outreach to a tiny country, where she heard God’s voice calling her to minister to the people of the village she worked in. And in the process of it all, she met the love of her life, a guy who grew up in that village, attended the same program in South Africa as she did, and felt called back to his own village.
So the true love part of the story is pretty awesome, but I’m focusing on the part where my sister-in-law was moving forward, feeling confusion with all the course corrections, and in the end, winding up right where God had in mind all along. Could it have happened any other way? Probably not.
Once again, Neil sticks the landing: It’s in the doing of God’s work that His will becomes known.
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