Where's the battle?
First, I’ll tell you the problem I had with today’s entry… It may sound picky, the categories and percentages given seem to be taken from Neil’s general experience, not from statistics that came from a methodical survey. The good thing is that the ideas he lays out do not hinge upon whether or not the numbers are correct.
Next, an observation… There are three levels of spiritual conflict listed, and while this wasn’t Neil’s main point, I see that there’s a progression that happens from one to the next to the next.
First, we have a person who lives under a steady spiritual attack, and his or her effectiveness as a believer is compromised. Next, they’re open to the influence of evil thoughts and voices. And last, the person loses the ability to say no to those thoughts and urges.
Where did it all go wrong? As Neil points out, it’s in the first stage: Most Christians in this condition have no idea that they are in the middle of a spiritual conflict.
They’re losing the battle because they don’t realize that they’re supposed to be fighting it.
Where in my life have I been blind to the spiritual battle that’s in progress? How can I take back that ground?
Ephesians 6:12: For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked sprits in the heavenly realms.
It is harder to fight someone you can’t see. It is even hard to recognize you are being attached.
ReplyDeleteI describe the feeling of the beginning of evil as “When you feel like you just got side punched while you are not looking” it can be the work of the evil around you. I know that I have experienced evil and it does not play by the rules. I found myself thinking that something that was happening to me and by the way it was not fair what was happening, and I was thinking how can this happen to me, I am doing the right thing, I play by the rules. Well, when I realized it was evil and evil doesn’t play by the rules then I could regain my footing and I prayed, and prayed, and prayed and fought with the power of God through prayer. Michele you nailed that verse today! Eph 6:12 for we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world.
If we don’t realize we are facing evil because it is not flesh and bone we can let it slowly take over our minds. So walk in the light 1 John 1:5 God is light, and in Him there is no darkness!