welcome to connect: project 2011

This blog is a project I'm undertaking for 2011... Why don't you join me?

The goal is to spend a little time each day reading from a devotional book, Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson, and connecting with people via blog post and comments.

Don't have the book yet? You can find it on Amazon, or you can read the daily post at:

Why would we do this? For me, it's to reinforce a habit I need, to own my own faith, to connect with God and what He's saying to me, and to connect with people who are hungry to know God more...

Your reasons might be some of the same as mine.

The more folks read and comment, the richer the experience will be. Join the discussion!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 4, 2011

The flying leap

Taking a risk used to be easy for me.  I’m kind of a natural-born risk taker, but I don’t say that as if it’s something to aspire to.  I’ve made plenty of dumb mistakes in the name of taking a risk; learning to temper risk with wisdom has been a lifelong pursuit.

I find that these days, I’m less excited about taking risks…  I still love adventure, excitement, change, and all that, but I find that the potential costs are getting bigger and bigger.  Case in point:  pulling a muscle in my back while playing on the slip-n-slide with my daughter.  Small risk, right?  These are fun!  Famous last words…  And lest you think, Hey – you’re getting old! – I remember getting pretty bruised up on those things back when I was a kid, too.  I remembered that after my recent experience.

My husband’s aunt came to visit not too long ago, and after watching our kids for a bit, she told me how similar my husband was when he was a kid.  She said, He would stand on the kitchen counter and just leap off into the air, just sure someone would catch him.  You might be glad to know that neither my husband nor my kids currently do this, but it did go a long ways to explaining some things…

Part of the child-like faith I want to keep (or return to) is the willingness to trust at that level.  Sure, flying off of kitchen counters is ill-advised, but there will be things God will ask me to do that will probably seem just as crazy.  I want to be ready.

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About Me

I've been a teacher, a church administrator, and currently I'm an at-home mommy, which is my most challenging assignment yet. My home church is WellSpring - it's where my heart is, where my family is. I'm so grateful to God for His work in me and the people He's allowed me to share life with.