Neil’s devotional was written in 1993, when the New Age movement was the hottest thing going. You don’t hear much about it these days, though - I was curious as to how big it is today.
Here’s what Wikipedia had to say:
People who practice New Age spirituality or who embrace its lifestyle are included in the Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS) demographic market segment, currently in a growth phase, related to sustainable living, green ecological initiatives, and generally composed of a relatively affluent and well-educated segment. The LOHAS market segment in 2006 was estimated at USD$300 billion, approximately 30 percent of the United States consumer market.
So even though these statistics are 5 years old or so, a couple of things stand out to me: first, that the market is (or was) around 30% of US consumers, and second, that the folks involved here are moderately wealthy and educated (read: the movers and shakers).
In addition to New Age, there are plenty of other alternate brands of spirituality floating around out there these days. And maybe the biggest threat is the trend away from absolute, exclusive truth. Most people are willing to hold beliefs that contradict one another, and are okay with it all. That translates into the diluting of Christianity, as people pick and choose which things they want to believe in, while still calling themselves a Christian.
What’s my takeaway? First, the idea that there’s a strategy of deception behind all of this. It’s not just about what people choose to personally believe in; the enemy is looking to snatch up weaker believers. And second, that speaking the truth takes courage, but I’m called to be light in a dark world. Today, I’m looking for how God wants me to share truth and shine light…
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