welcome to connect: project 2011

This blog is a project I'm undertaking for 2011... Why don't you join me?

The goal is to spend a little time each day reading from a devotional book, Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson, and connecting with people via blog post and comments.

Don't have the book yet? You can find it on Amazon, or you can read the daily post at:

Why would we do this? For me, it's to reinforce a habit I need, to own my own faith, to connect with God and what He's saying to me, and to connect with people who are hungry to know God more...

Your reasons might be some of the same as mine.

The more folks read and comment, the richer the experience will be. Join the discussion!

Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15, 2011

How’s your hearing?

I got my first pair of glasses when I was six.  The good thing was that I wasn’t old enough to know any better, so I thought they were cool.  In the interest of full disclosure, they were not.

Many years later, I may not be able to see all that well (thank God for whoever invented contacts!), but I do happen to have really, really good hearing.  I joke that it’s my superpower. 

It served me well as a teacher.  On a regular basis, I freaked my students out by asking them about what they were doing out in the hallway, across the room out of my line of sight, or of course, behind my back.  Obviously, I could hear enough to figure out something was going on, but it’s good to keep the kids guessing. 

When I was in college, my dad and I both worked on staff at our church.  My office was a closet-sized space in the basement of a building.  A dozen or so offices were connected by one hallway, and I can remember sitting at my desk, hearing the familiar jangle of keys and pocket change, and know that my dad was coming down the hall.   Mind you, there were any number of men about his age, with presumably the same type of pocket fodder as my dad, but I knew what he sounded like.  Truth be told, I’m a daddy’s girl, and I loved it when he would come to visit.

So I was pondering as I read today’s entry, how well do I know my heavenly Father’s pocket stuff?   Can I hear a voice and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is His? 

Two things come to mind…  First, the better I know Him, the better I will know His voice.  The more time I spend reading the Bible, I’ll know what kinds of things He says.  He’ll even use those very words to speak to me sometimes – our special message system. 

And second, the more I practice at trying to know where a voice is coming from, with prayer (as Neil pointed out), the better I’ll get at it.  Relationships are work; they get better over time.  I’m so thankful that God isn’t going anywhere.  He’s so patient with me until I get it right…

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About Me

I've been a teacher, a church administrator, and currently I'm an at-home mommy, which is my most challenging assignment yet. My home church is WellSpring - it's where my heart is, where my family is. I'm so grateful to God for His work in me and the people He's allowed me to share life with.