Stand firm and be alert
First, a little history… My husband and I went to a Neil Anderson seminar about 15 years ago, when lots of deliverance ministries were the thing. If you’re not familiar with these, they entail teaching on spiritual warfare and delivering Christians from spiritual bondage. The church I grew up in had one, and my parents were part of it; although I never went through it, I heard lots about it.
Neil’s books were foundational in that ministry, as well as numbers of others. What was refreshing about Neil’s seminar was his approach: he was matter-of-fact, balanced, and spoke the truth without weirdness (I think that’s scriptural, I have to look it up).
If it seems that we are circling around the barn again, just a reminder – we’re getting foundational truths in bite-sized chunks.
For today, a reminder: I’m susceptible to being wounded or trapped by Satan, and when I forget that, I’m all the more vulnerable. I don’t need to live in fear, but I do need to be looking for the spiritual dynamics behind the circumstances and people I deal with.
God, I pray that you open the eyes of my loved ones so that they too are aware of Satans strong holds. Lord speak loudly and clearly till they learn to hear your still small voice!