The theme just now seems to be faith… Yesterday, I wrote about struggling sometimes to wrap my head around the fact that our God, who is good, allows bad things to happen for a greater good.
As I went through my day today, God brought back to me some scenes… For one, holding our terror-stricken son down in a doctor’s office as he’s getting a shot so the asthma will calm down… There were others like that one, too. I was grateful my husband took him to the re-setting of the broken arm appointment for me – yuck!
Being the parent, I knew that there was no way my son would get well without the medicine he was fighting. He was angry, confused, and afraid. The look on his face was of total betrayal because we were letting someone hurt him. In those moments when the emotions are on overload, there’s no logic or reason. You just have to ride it out and try to explain later.
I can’t see what God sees. I don’t know the bigger evil that will happen if He leaves me the way I am. In the dark times, I’ve felt angry, confused, afraid, betrayed and overwhelmed. And I usually don’t get the answers as to why things happened.
But I love the way Neil puts it: I know who wrote the sign. God will always stay true to His character. And it’s comforting to hear today that this kind of faith pleases Him…