Letters to God
A couple of things hit me as I read today’s entry…
First, I love that in the first letter, the young woman was so free to express her feelings. They were really hard to read, because I felt for her – who of us hasn’t felt abandoned? And writing those things out gives us a measure of freedom from them.
But she didn’t stop there. She pursued emotional health, and how awesome was it to hear the response she had written herself?
The second thing I saw was that that while the first letter was based on what she felt, the second was what she knew. So often in me those two things are at war, but at the end of the day, God is who He says He is. That truth is life-changing.
I’m so thankful for a God who’s always there for me.
Love the second letter! Wish it was mine, it sounds like it could pour out of my heart too. The truth is that letter belongs to each of us and God has given it to us in the Bible.