Belief and behavior
This makes sense to me: Your belief system determines your behavior. If I’m driving well over the speed limit and I see a police car zooming up behind me, because I believe I might get pulled over, my behavior will change. I will slow down.
There are areas where what I think I believe and what I actually believe (as borne out by my behavior) are two different things. It’s like the difference between something that’s an actual priority in my life, and something that I wish was a priority. I may say that exercise is important to me, but unless on my weekly calendar I have time set aside for it, and actually follow through, it isn’t a priority, really. Just wishful thinking.
I had trouble with the questions Neil listed as far as finding out what motivates me… I couldn’t tell if I was supposed to be thinking of goals I have, or things I wish I could do or have…
Thinking of motivation in terms of priorities, though, works for me. So if that helps you, there you go. If you can make Neil’s questions work, awesome!
The point of it all is to think through places in my life where what I say I believe is at odds with what I do. Not only do I need to change my behavior, I also need to search God’s word or ask help from someone older and wiser to find out what God’s heart is on the subject.
And on the flip side of this, the more I’m in the Bible, and the more I know about God’s ways and who He is and how He works, the more consistently I will be able to overcome sin in my life.
Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are.