About those fleeces...
Today’s entry connects to the one two days ago (Jan 20th), talking about knowing the will of God. (I’m sure yesterday’s entry about priorities ties in there, too…)
The story of Gideon has always strikes me as strange… God puts up with so much from Gideon! And yet He knows what He has planned to do with Gideon in charge, so He plays along… God, just give me one sign. Okay, well, just one more. Did I say one more? I really meant two…
In his defense, Gideon wasn’t living in a time when people served God much. Idol worship had diluted the faith of God’s people. Israel had been at peace, more or less, with her neighbors for some time, so the people had no recent battle experience.
But still, Gideon saw the angel of the Lord! Getting a visit from God is where we get direction. Then it’s up to us to follow through.
I’ve known people who live by the phrase, that must be a sign! Personally, I believe God does speak to us through circumstances and people, sometimes in obscure ways, but He has gone to great lengths to make sure we know what He wants. We have His word! God sent His Son! His Holy Spirit speaks to us through His word!
My prayer is that I not miss the obvious as I look for His will…
Jeremiah 29:13-14 says, “If you look for Me in earnest, you will find Me when you seek Me. I will be found by you,” says the Lord…
Today's posting caused me to look at the story of Gideon in a different light than I have before. I had never connected the dots this way before. I wonder how much the number of Gideon's army (from 32,000 men to 300)was a result of his lack of faith/testing of God.
ReplyDeleteHands down, this story is way better with God using only 300 men to rout the Midianite army! But as a leader of people into the face of conflict, I can tell you that being so vastly outnumbered by the opposing force turns out to be not so fun. I remember the mini riots we had on New Year's eve back in 1999 and again in 2000. We were significantly outnumbered and I would have loved to have more people on the line than we did.
Now I get that God wanted to reinforce the understanding for Gideon, his army, Israel, and us who read it today, that He is the won who brings victory. This is one of my favorite OT stories. Something about the preparation for battle, the strategy of defeat, the way God's tactics placed the Midianite army into a tactical dilemma where resistance was futile, just pumps me up and gets me all motivated.... sorry about that, got lost in the moment.
But I wonder how much of Gideon's lack of faith resulted in the reduction of resources God left him? I wonder how often in my own life, my lack of faith in God prolongs those very things I am pressing in for, yet fearing He won't answer?
Lord, forgive me of the times I have questioned your integrity. Holy Spirit, help me to seek God's face first when things come up in my life rather than attempt to handle them through my own resources. Amen.
"God had already told Gideon what to do. Gideon was questioning the integrity of God, just as we do if we ask for a fleece when God has already shown us His will. "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign" (Matthew 12:39). As God's people, let's seek the face of God."
ReplyDeleteGideon does what I tend to do--argue with God. God, you want me to do WHAT??? I need to bless WHO?? You want me to go THERE??? It's the same attitude that motivates children (okay, maybe just Brandon) to say What?? right after you slowly and clearly asked him to do something. It is a lazy, rebellious, "are you talkin' to me?" attitude I struggle with as a parent--yet how many times have I done this when I have argued with God??
A need for a sign results from insecurity. Angela does not have to do anything to prove her love to me--I see it in her actions and words on a daily basis. God loves me constantly--as I seek His face and get to know Him more by spending time being with HIm, worshipping, reading the word, praying or being silent before Him, I will be more secure in my relationship with Him; then a sign will not be needed.
Lord help me to devote myself to you every day, and trust what you say without any arguing or need for a sign!!
Amen, Johnny and Michele.
ReplyDeleteI had not thought about it that way thanks Johnny you really hit this right on target. I think about how much more Gideon could have been blessed if he had trusted God in the first place and did not test Him so many times.
ReplyDeleteI know I can fall into the same thing as Gideon; it is not only a trust issue but a stall tactic for me to ask for a “sign”. If I ask God for a sign I don’t have to do what He said immediately right? I can wait until He answers me. Well I can wait a long time if He does not answer right away and therefore the stall tactic is working. Not really working as we see clearly with Gideon, his army went from 32,000 to 300.
But the best part is God won the battle with 300! The battle was not Gideon’s, but God’s. It is always good to have God on your side. My God is greater, my God is stronger, and if our God is for us then who could ever stop us!
1 Samuel 17:47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”